
The Piano Studio of Christy Wisuthseriwong at The Music Academy of North Carolina

I present a balanced and well-rounded approach to making music.  For students of every level, I incorporate a variety of different activities in lessons, including solo and ensemble repertoire, technique, sight-reading, and theory.   My aim is to build a solid foundation of musical knowledge for the student, encourage fun and creativity, and provide a nurturing and positive environment with emphasis on the following areas:

  • Building note reading and rhythmic skills
  • Integrating music theory knowledge
  • Developing aural skills through ear training
  • Developing proper technique
  • Establishing a healthy physical presence at the piano – incorporating good posture and body habits from the beginning

MANC has a no-makeup policy for lessons missed by the student.  If you know in advance that you will not be able to make a lesson, please let me know.  With advanced notice, I will work with you to reschedule a lesson so that the lesson time is not lost.  Please do not come to a lesson if you are sick.  I do not reschedule for no-shows or last-minute cancellations (less than 24 hours’ notice).

Please give me 24 hours notice if you must cancel a lesson.  Any lessons that I cancel will be rescheduled and made up at the earliest convenience.  Once a time for a make-up lesson has been mutually agreed upon, that time will function as a regular lesson and cannot be rescheduled or made up if missed.

Inclement Weather Policy:  In the case of inclement weather, The Music Academy often remains open. The Music Academy will close if conditions become dangerous. Announcements of closing will be on The Music Academy’s website, announced via email, and posted on WFMY-2, WGHP-Fox 8, WXII-12, and Facebook.  The Music Academy guarantees one make-up lesson if lessons or classes are canceled due to weather conditions.  Additional make-up lessons due to closure will be at the discretion and scheduling availability of the teacher.  No refunds will be issued.  If The Music Academy remains open but a student chooses not to come, the teacher is not responsible for scheduling a make-up leson.

Practicing Expectations:  CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY
Consistent practice is essential for progress!  Practice requirements will vary for students of different ages and levels, but here are some general practice guidelines:

Beginners        20-30 min. each day, 5 days/week
Intermediate   30-45 min. each day, 5 days/week
Advanced        1 hr. each day, 5 days/week

Another good way to think about practicing is take the length of your lesson and practice at least that same amount of time every day!

Practice expectations will be discussed individually with each student and parent.  Studying piano is a daily commitment outside of lessons.  Practicing a little bit every day is much more effective than cramming in a long practicing session the day before the lesson.  Remember, the more time that you put in with consistent and thoughtful practicing, the quicker you will see improvement!

Very young students or beginners benefit from having parental supervision or guidance in their practicing at home.  I often encourage parents of young beginners to also sit in on lessons, unless that proves too distracting for the student.  Once a student is older and more mature, it is easier for practicing to be self-guided.

Lesson Expectations
Be on time for your lessons, and be prepared!  Come to my door and knock at your lesson time.  Have your books and any other lesson materials with you.  Piano lessons are a cell phone free zone.  Please have your phone turned off or set the ringer to silent during your lesson time.  The student’s fingernails should be kept short and clean.  I do not allow chewing gum during lessons!

Public performance is an important element of learning music.  It gives the student a chance to build self-confidence and poise, and it provides an opportunity to display new things that he/she has learned.  Performance opportunities are available through recitals offered by the Academy.  I strongly encourage each student to give at least one memorized performance per semester.  In addition to monthly Student Showcase Recitals, other performing and evaluating opportunities will be recommended to students based on their level of preparation and achievement:  the MANC Piano Festival in the fall, and the GMTA and other piano festivals and competitions in the spring.

Attending performances is just as important.  Hearing live performances of many different types of music is often more inspiring and motivating than sitting through a piano lesson!  I encourage all of my students to take advantage of performances offered at MANC and in venues around the community.  I will notify students of local events of interest and encourage participation in these events.

Final Words

I always try to keep communication open between myself and the student, and between myself and the parents, throughout the semester regarding expectations and progress.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any thoughts or concerns.